Empowering youth worldwide toward a more sustainable and digitally resilient future

Empowering youth worldwide toward a more sustainable and digitally resilient future

The Social Impact Partner Spotlight series highlights various Cisco non-profit organization partners that are helping transform the lives of individuals and communities. This blog features Cisco’s partnership with the Raspberry Pi Foundation and Digital Opportunity Trust, highlighting the amazing work these organizations are doing to support and nurture the creativity, resiliency, and leadership of youths worldwide.  International Youth Day 2024, celebrated on August 12, shines a spotlight on the boundless potential and innovative spirit of young people…

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Cisco Networking Academy honors International Day of the World’s Indigenous People

Cisco Networking Academy honors International Day of the World’s Indigenous People

There are nearly half a billion Indigenous Peoples in 90 countries around the world. Indigenous Peoples are among the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people on the planet. The international community recognizes that special measures are required to protect Indigenous rights and to maintain their distinct cultures and ways of life.[i] To raise awareness of the issues Indigenous Peoples face, the UN has declared August 9 International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. Education is an…

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Working with Community Corporate to reskill refugees through Cisco Networking Academy

Working with Community Corporate to reskill refugees through Cisco Networking Academy

June 20 marks World Refugee Day, designated by the United Nations to honor refugees around the globe. The latest statistics show that more than 110 million people have been forcibly displaced worldwide in 2023—the highest-ever single-year increase of displacement of people in history and twice the number of displacements from just ten years ago. Countries hosting refugees face challenges integrating new arrivals into their societies. Digital inclusion may be a key for achieving this. Evidence…

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UK Trails Behind Europe in Technical Skills Proficiency, Coursera Report Finds

UK Trails Behind Europe in Technical Skills Proficiency, Coursera Report Finds

The U.K. is the 25th most technically proficient country in Europe, a new report by online course provider Coursera has found. It sits well behind other digital leaders in the region like Germany, France and Spain. Globally, the U.K. came 45th out of 109 countries, which is an improvement from last year’s 64th place; however, considering the government’s significant investments into digital skills, the country’s rank suggests that current efforts may need to be reassessed….

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Rebooting Europe’s Sustainable Growth and Connectivity with Cisco’s Policy Roadmap

Rebooting Europe’s Sustainable Growth and Connectivity with Cisco’s Policy Roadmap

On Sunday, like 185 million of my fellow European citizens, I headed to my local polling station to vote in the European elections. As the banners come down, and the corks and confetti are swept up, the buzz of campaigning will now shift to practical policy making. When our elected MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) head to Strasbourg for their first session in July, over half of them will be newcomers. The beginning of…

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Critical Steps to Bolster UK's Cyber Resilience: Insights for Policy Makers from Cisco’s Cyber Readiness Index

Critical Steps to Bolster UK's Cyber Resilience: Insights for Policy Makers from Cisco’s Cyber Readiness Index

Recognising the vital role digital technologies now play in the delivery of economic prosperity, public services and national security, the UK Government rightly strives to be a global leader in innovation and technology. There are many aspects that are important to meeting this goal, but it is increasingly clear that a robust and resilient approach to cybersecurity across the economy is non-negotiable. In the face of growing cybersecurity threats, the UK’s Department for Science, Innovation…

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Have you ever been inspired by a teacher?

Have you ever been inspired by a teacher?

January 24 is the International Day of Education, celebrating what the United Nations describes as a “fundamental human right” and “the bedrock of societies, economies, and every person’s potential.” The purpose of Cisco Networking Academy is to empower all people with career possibilities, helping them achieve their potential. There are currently 3.7 million people in 190 countries learning with Cisco Networking Academy. In our 11,700 Academies, 29,700 instructors are dedicated to inspiring learners with IT…

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