Cyber Insurance Coverage FAQ with DataStream CEO

Cyber Insurance Coverage FAQ with DataStream CEO

Common perception now points to the COVID-19 epidemic as the demarcation point for our new era for cybersecurity. This expansion of remote work and cloud services has widened the attack surface significantly and placed security leaders in a position to approach cybersecurity and cyber risk more proactively. However, the “new normal” hasn’t just affected the how IT security teams operate, as we’re seeing a hardening of the cyber insurance market. This is due to an…

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3 Shifts in the Cyber Threat Landscape

3 Shifts in the Cyber Threat Landscape

Around the world, 2022 was a year of instability and conflict which added to the daily challenges faced by cybersecurity professionals. But they weren’t the only ones feeling the strain. Bad actors were also forced to adapt, trying to maintain “business as usual” by exploring new infiltration methods and by targeting more lucrative victims. Even if 2023 proves to be more predictable than last year, the cyber threat landscape is already undergoing big changes. To…

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Bay Area Bank Collapse and the Cybersecurity Impact

Bay Area Bank Collapse and the Cybersecurity Impact

Expect Phishing Scams Like the click-bait-ish title I gave to this blog, recent news events are almost always used as part of phishing attacks. As other banks have experience difficulties, expect phishing scams to include mentions of recent bank failures. This makes for a good topic to phish for online banking credentials. Look out for lines like: “This is the FDIC, and you must claim your $225k deposit insurance within 24 hours,” or “This is…

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Prevent Ransomware with Cybersecurity Monitoring

Prevent Ransomware with Cybersecurity Monitoring

Ransomware and other cyberattacks routinely take advantage of misconfigurations in cloud and IT systems and accounts. Tools that enable continuous, automated cybersecurity monitoring help close those gaps and strengthen overall attack surface risk management Continue reading the Ransomware Spotlight series:Ransomware Recovery Plan for 2023Fight Ransomware with a Cybersecurity AuditSecurity Patch Management Strengthens Ransomware Defense With authorities cracking down on cybercriminals, organizations refusing to pay cyber ransoms, and media stories touting ransomware’s decline, it could seem…

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How Your Cybersecurity Strategy Enables Better Business

How Your Cybersecurity Strategy Enables Better Business

Historically, cybersecurity has the reputation of getting in the way of doing business. Few people are happy when required to change a password, or when told a proposed new application needs additional safeguards before it can be deployed. A recent Trend Micro global survey, Risk and Reward, found that 84% of respondents say cyber policies are impacting employees’ ability to do jobs in office; business being slower, difficulty accessing info, and general access to the…

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3 Ways to Evolve Your Cybersecurity Operations

3 Ways to Evolve Your Cybersecurity Operations

What SOC teams need most are better ways to correlate and prioritize alerts so they can isolate the ones that truly matter while getting in front of threats instead of reacting to them. They also need to streamline their toolsets so they can manage more effectively. As a result, optimizing XDR, assessing risk continuously and shifting away from point solutions are critical. Step 1: Optimize XDR for stronger cybersecurity operations Most cybersecurity operations teams rely…

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Establishing a Proactive Cybersecurity Plan

Establishing a Proactive Cybersecurity Plan

A recent survey with Sapio Research has revealed that 73% of respondents were concerned about the size of their digital attack surface. This overwhelming reaction to the current state of cyber threats affecting organizations is based upon a single fact: remote work. Due to expansions in WFA (work-from-anywhere) labor forces and organizational cloud services, the reality of being exposed to a cyberattack has migrated from “if” to “when.” This has ushered in a need for…

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Security Patch Management Strengthens Ransomware Defense

Security Patch Management Strengthens Ransomware Defense

Inundated with monthly, weekly, and even daily software patches, IT teams need a strategic approach to security patch management—one that lets them put risks into context, prioritize effectively, and manage their overall attack surface risk. Continue reading the Ransomware Spotlight series: Enterprises today have a massive amount of software to manage and keep up to date—1,061 applications on average, according to the MuleSoft Research 2023 Connectivity Benchmark Report. At that scale, with many software vendors…

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Phishing as a Service Stimulates Cybercrime

Phishing as a Service Stimulates Cybercrime

According to Verizon, 78% of organizations experienced email-based ransomware attacks in 2021, with 15 million phishing messages containing malware being directly linked to later-stage ransomware. The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic saw a dramatic rise in phishing attacks, with Trend Micro data showing a whopping 137.6% growth in 2020 alone. Part of the proliferation of email-based attacks can be linked to the rise in the growing trend of the overarching notion of crime as a…

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Decrypting Cyber Risk Quantification

Decrypting Cyber Risk Quantification

Executive teams are faced with a challenging combination of an increasingly complex threat landscape and a rapidly growing attack surface. Together, these two factors are putting the modern enterprise at greater risk of exposure and potential breach. For security leaders, understanding the unique risk profile of the organization is not only a critical first step, but a required, continuous process to protect the enterprise against malicious adversarial threats — whether it comes in the form…

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