Evolution of Fueling Partner Success

Evolution of Fueling Partner Success

Welcome to Cisco’s new fiscal year! Heading into the fall season means cooler weather, pumpkins, favorite holidays, and, for me, football. I’ve always been a fan of the Washington Commanders, an American Football team in Washington DC. Although this team has seen a great evolution in its time, I’d like to share a fact I recently learned which impacts every football player no matter their expertise.  It’s the evolution of the helmet. When Admiral Joseph…

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An Anchor in the Race

An Anchor in the Race

The theme for DistiNext 2023 was Growing Together. This theme ties perfectly into our theme for Americas Distribution, Going Hypersonic to Fuel Partner Success. As relay racers run down the track, they rely on each other for speed, agility, and accuracy to gracefully pass the baton from teammate to teammate. Similarly, we must work together to ensure we reach the finish line together and, as often as possible, first! In racing, the fourth and last…

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