- "클릭부터 결제까지 알아서 척척"··· 오픈AI, 웹서핑하는 AI ‘오퍼레이터’ 공개
- AMD’s unpatched chip microcode glitch may require extreme measures by CISOs
- How Cisco leverages AI for impact | FY24 Purpose Report
- Palo Alto Networks firewalls have UEFI flaws, Secure Boot bypasses
- 3 hidden benefits of Dedicated Internet Access for enterprises
Cisco’s Catalyst SD-WAN: Now available through Azure Marketplace Multiparty Partner Offers Program
As a partner-led organization, with over 90 percent of our business conducted through Cisco partners, we are thrilled to be part of Microsoft’s new Multiparty Private Offers (MPO) program. The MPO program empowers ISVs like Cisco and our partners to collaborate in creating customer offers and conducting transactions on Microsoft’s Azure Marketplace. MPO provides customers with a seamless marketplace experience for purchasing essential software and services needed to run their businesses through their trusted partners….
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