Cisco and Nvidia: Redefining Workload Security

Cisco and Nvidia: Redefining Workload Security

There has been an exponential increase in breaches within enterprises despite the carefully constructed and controlled perimeters that exist around applications and data. Once an attacker can access the network, it becomes an “all you can eat” buffet as they move laterally around the environment, taking control, and either exfiltrating sensitive data, or locking it up with ransomware. Enterprises traditionally use two approaches to mitigate these risks: implementing intrusion detection solutions and defining micro-perimeters around…

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Cisco Secure Workload 3.9 Delivers Stronger Security and Greater Operational Efficiency

Cisco Secure Workload 3.9 Delivers Stronger Security and Greater Operational Efficiency

The proliferation of applications across hybrid and multicloud environments continues at a blistering pace. For the most part, there is no fixed perimeter, applications and environments are woven together across datacenters and public cloud providers. The attack surface has expanded. Organizations struggle with a lack of visibility, and vulnerabilities are a constant issue for application and security teams alike. In some cases, the vulnerability is known and flagged, but there is no patch available, and…

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