Is tackling technical debt key to modernizing federal networks?

Is tackling technical debt key to modernizing federal networks?

I often get brought into meetings when a customer starts talking “DevOps”. We’ll discuss everything from infrastructure-as-code, automation, and continuous integration, to network as a service (NaaS), cloud, and all things modernization. Regardless of what we cover, the customer “wants” always tend to be consistent; predictable pricing, minimal risk, and (most importantly) to move faster. Once the meeting is over, I usually get the same question. “So, what do I need to buy?”   Putting…

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Building a More Sustainable Global Network for the Future – Cisco and BT

Building a More Sustainable Global Network for the Future – Cisco and BT

Cisco Blogs / Executive Platform / Building a More Sustainable Global Network for the Future – Cisco and BT Cisco’s relationships with our service provider partners have always been crucial. Together, we’ve innovated, solved challenges, and connected the world. This partnership is even more crucial now as we work together to help organizations make sustainable decisions at scale.   I sat down with Bas Burger, CEO of BT Business, to talk about the work we…

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