Ensuring Continuous Network Operations with Cisco Nexus Hitless Upgrades

Ensuring Continuous Network Operations with Cisco Nexus Hitless Upgrades

Is there ever really a good time to perform a network device image upgrade? For many customers, downtime is not an option. They expect that upgrades occur while the network continues to forward packets, without any service impact. Designing a highly redundant network involves several strategies to ensure continuous operation and minimize downtime. Key approaches include multiple network paths between critical points, load balancing, and dual-homed devices and switches. Cisco supported hitless upgrades for data…

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Stay Compliant: Cisco Secure Workload Introduces State-of-the-art, Persona-based Reporting

Stay Compliant: Cisco Secure Workload Introduces State-of-the-art, Persona-based Reporting

Workload security tools draw the attention of diverse cohorts, united by a mission: fortifying hybrid cloud workloads. In a market filled with disparate tools, Secure Workload offers a tailored reporting solution that revolutionizes how SecOps, Network Administrators, and CxOs interact with their workload security solution. A New Era of Informed Decision Making Traditional workload security tools often fail to provide metrics tailored to the distinct needs of SecOps, Network Administrators, or CxOs. These tools fall…

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