Cisco's Vision for Post-Quantum Cryptography: A Secure Future

Cisco's Vision for Post-Quantum Cryptography: A Secure Future

  We are at an inflection point across three vectors: Attackers who are harvesting keys now to decrypt later (HNDL) and unlock sensitive information with the widespread misuse of quantum computing. Quantum computing providers are now out of incubation with plans to scale their data centers and effectively reduce barriers to access these resources. The publication of federal security standards recently released by NIST such as FIPS 203 ML-KEM-1024, provides a cryptographic framework designed to…

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Quantum Cryptography: What’s Coming Next

Quantum Cryptography: What’s Coming Next

This is the second in our series of blogs about the quantum threat and preparing for “Q-Day,” the moment when cryptanalytically relevant quantum computing (CRQC) will be able to break all public-key cryptography systems in operation today. The first blog provided an overview of cryptography in a post-quantum world, and this one explores what comes next. What it will take to operationalize the new NIST PQC standards The US government directed the National Institute of…

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