The Journey: Quantum's Yellow Brick Road

The Journey: Quantum's Yellow Brick Road

The world of computing is undergoing a revolution with two powerful forces converging: Quantum Computing (QC) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI). While GenAI is generating excitement, it’s still finding its footing in real-world applications. Meanwhile, QC is rapidly maturing, offering solutions to complex problems in fields like drug discovery and material science. This journey, however, isn’t without its challenges. Just like Dorothy and her companions in the Wizard of Oz, we face obstacles along the…

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(20)24 x 7 Tech Trends: AI Readiness, Adoption and Integration

(20)24 x 7 Tech Trends: AI Readiness, Adoption and Integration

Technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace and predictions about coming trends are always a topic of debate – what’s real, what’s hype. While there’s always a wave of excitement around the next big thing, I think the last year has been different. Advancements in AI, especially generative AI (GenAI), are leading to a once-in-a-generation shift. This is opening vast new opportunities and transforming industries, modes of operation, and career paths. Not surprisingly this…

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