- Palladium apuesta por la IA y la gestión del dato para la toma de decisiones estratégicas y la optimización de procesos
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- AI 추론 강화 향한 "급선회”··· 엔비디아 에이전트 AI 구축용 라마 모델 공개
- 구글 딥마인드, 로봇용 AI 모델 ‘제미나이 로보틱스’ 공개
- Amazon undercuts Nvidia pricing by 25%, leveling market for simpler inferencing tasks
Redefining Security Management in a Hyperconnected World
In today’s rapidly transforming world, Cisco is redefining security and its management. With the recent launch of the most advanced Hybrid Mesh Firewall and Universal Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solutions, both managed under Security Cloud Control, we’re introducing a new way for you to interact, set policies, and troubleshoot. Security Cloud Control serves as a central hub, enabling cloud-delivered management across data centers, branch offices, clouds, and remote sites. It’s designed to integrate seamlessly…
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