Choosing a Hybrid Cloud Security Solution 101

Choosing a Hybrid Cloud Security Solution 101

The accelerated shift to the cloud was mostly borne out of necessity due to the influx of remote workers and changing customer demands requiring more business agility. According to Forrester, 94% of US enterprise infrastructure decision makers are using at least one type of cloud deployment. While there is a push to be cloud-native, the reality is that most companies will keep their “crown jewels” or critical systems on private clouds or on-prem, while leveraging…

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Future Proof Your Business from Cybersecurity Threats

Future Proof Your Business from Cybersecurity Threats

In this blog, I’ll share two ways to shift our mindset from reactive to proactive cybersecurity as well as best practices to secure your attack surface against the most common cybersecurity threats. Cybercriminals adopt technologies long after businesses do Many feel that cybersecurity is a cat and mouse game with the threat actors able to constantly thwart the efforts of the cybersecurity community by introducing new tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) whenever they need. It…

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3 Ways to Evolve Your Cybersecurity Operations

3 Ways to Evolve Your Cybersecurity Operations

What SOC teams need most are better ways to correlate and prioritize alerts so they can isolate the ones that truly matter while getting in front of threats instead of reacting to them. They also need to streamline their toolsets so they can manage more effectively. As a result, optimizing XDR, assessing risk continuously and shifting away from point solutions are critical. Step 1: Optimize XDR for stronger cybersecurity operations Most cybersecurity operations teams rely…

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Establishing a Proactive Cybersecurity Plan

Establishing a Proactive Cybersecurity Plan

A recent survey with Sapio Research has revealed that 73% of respondents were concerned about the size of their digital attack surface. This overwhelming reaction to the current state of cyber threats affecting organizations is based upon a single fact: remote work. Due to expansions in WFA (work-from-anywhere) labor forces and organizational cloud services, the reality of being exposed to a cyberattack has migrated from “if” to “when.” This has ushered in a need for…

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Lower Data Breach Insurance Costs with These Tips

Lower Data Breach Insurance Costs with These Tips

The proliferation of ransomware and business email compromise (BEC) cyberattacks has forced organizations to change their perception towards the current threat environment. The question is no longer “if” your business will fall victim to a threat campaign, it’s now a matter of “when.” IBM Security reported that 83% of organizations studied have had more than one data breach. While the average cost of a data breach has reached an all-time high of USD 4.35 million…

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OT Cybersecurity Plan to Prevent the 5Ds

OT Cybersecurity Plan to Prevent the 5Ds

Some of the most dramatic changes to the cybersecurity landscape are happening in manufacturing, where industry 4.0 promises to empower businesses with faster and more dynamic capabilities, thanks to the growing prominence of 5G networks, automation, and cloud analytics. With every new connection, cybersecurity leaders face a growing attack surface complicated by other developments like a looming global recession poised to shrink their teams and resources. A cybersecurity plan is needed to protect against these…

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A Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Guide for Leaders

A Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Guide for Leaders

Now more than ever, keeping your cyber risk in check is crucial. In the first half of 2022’s Cyber Risk Index, 85% of the survey’s 4,100 global respondents said it’s somewhat to very likely they will experience a cyber attack in the next 12 months. And 90% admitted they suffered at least one successful cyber attack in the past 12 months. Avoiding a breach is not always possible—especially since business and cybersecurity objectives are rarely…

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Ransomware Recovery Plan for 2023

Ransomware Recovery Plan for 2023

Ransomware continues to be a significant global threat for organizations in all sectors. In 2022, it accounted for 41% of breaches, with an average cost per breach of $4.5 million. While authorities have had some success cracking down on ransomware perpetrators, bad actors are expected to evolve their tactics and business models, generating new attack types and pursuing new targets such as the enterprise cloud. Since the ransomware risk is less a question of “if”…

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4 Cyber Insurance Requirement Predictions for 2023

4 Cyber Insurance Requirement Predictions for 2023

Download Trend Micro’s Guide to Cyber Insurance Just a decade ago, it seemed like the only requirement from cyber insurance carriers was the need for a policy; the application process was easy, and the questionnaire was simple. But as ransomware attacks grew in popularity and damage, carriers were forced to tighten the reigns to keep a balanced book. In 2020, we witnessed the cyber insurance market harden for the first time ever. Since then, carriers…

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Why Data Hygiene is Key to Industrial Cybersecurity

Why Data Hygiene is Key to Industrial Cybersecurity

If there’s a common denominator to today’s security woes, it’s complexity. Industrial and enterprise IT environments are more open, interdependent, and essential than ever before. Practicing good data hygiene is one of the best ways for organizations to protect themselves, and it starts with a zero-trust approach to network access. Complexity is a security risk Part of what makes IT environments so complex today is the distributed nature of industrial and business operations, which decentralizes…

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