Rebooting Europe’s Sustainable Growth and Connectivity with Cisco’s Policy Roadmap

Rebooting Europe’s Sustainable Growth and Connectivity with Cisco’s Policy Roadmap

On Sunday, like 185 million of my fellow European citizens, I headed to my local polling station to vote in the European elections. As the banners come down, and the corks and confetti are swept up, the buzz of campaigning will now shift to practical policy making. When our elected MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) head to Strasbourg for their first session in July, over half of them will be newcomers. The beginning of…

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Navigating the Digital Future: Cisco's Vision for the UK's Tech-Led Growth

Navigating the Digital Future: Cisco's Vision for the UK's Tech-Led Growth

The 2024 UK general election is just around the corner and comes at a pivotal moment for technology policy. In a world where digital technologies have become the backbone of thriving businesses; efficient public services, and citizen empowerment, the stakes for tech policy have never been higher. Embracing the Tech Revolution With unprecedented investments pouring into new technologies like AI and quantum, the UK is in the midst of a significant surge in innovation and…

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