What Happens When Your House Burns Down Right Before a Meeting?

What Happens When Your House Burns Down Right Before a Meeting?

Imagine this: you’re about to hop on a meeting with a leader, and suddenly, your house catches fire. I was working from home one afternoon and had just finished a phone call. Little did I know, my life was about to change dramatically. I grabbed some food, and as I sat down at my desk to eat before my next meeting, I heard an explosion. I checked our air conditioning unit in the backyard—it was…

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Using Cisco’s Benefits To Ease Difficult Times: The Bridge To Giving Yourself Grace

Using Cisco’s Benefits To Ease Difficult Times: The Bridge To Giving Yourself Grace

We plan for the happy things in life: holidays, children’s sports games, birthdays. What we don’t plan for is a catastrophic family event that turns our world upside down. That only happens to other people, right? That’s what I thought until it happened to us. But as I write this, I am sitting in a hospital chair next to my mom’s bed. Ten years ago, when I lost my dad after a sudden illness, I…

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