Report: Organisations Have Endpoint Security Tools But Are Still Falling Short on the Basics

Report: Organisations Have Endpoint Security Tools But Are Still Falling Short on the Basics

Most IT and security teams would agree that ensuring endpoint security and network access security applications are running in compliance with security policies on managed PCs should be a basic task. Even more basic would be ensuring these applications are present on devices. And yet, many organisations still fail to meet these requirements. A new report from Absolute Security, based on anonymised telemetry from millions of mobile and hybrid PCs that run its firmware-embedded solution,…

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Microsoft Improves Windows Security with a Path to Move Off NTLM

Microsoft Improves Windows Security with a Path to Move Off NTLM

NTLM is a simple and straightforward authentication method for connecting to applications on enterprise servers, but it’s also outdated and insecure. Despite that, NTLM is still widely used, partly because of inertia but also because the preferred replacement Kerberos doesn’t currently cope with some important scenarios. Now Microsoft plans to extend Kerberos in the versions of Windows and Windows Server that will ship in the next two years to help organizations move off NTLM. Here’s…

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