The Convergence: AI, Confidential Computing, and Blockchain

In the ever-evolving tapestry of technology, three potent forces are coming together: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Confidential Computing, and Blockchain. Each, on its own, has the power to redefine facets of our digital existence. But when combined, they herald a transformative era. Let’s embark on a journey to demystify this convergence and unlock its groundbreaking potential.

Setting the Stage

Imagine a world where machines possess the ability to think, learn, and decide, mirroring human intelligence. This is the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Systems like ChatGPT can converse, analyze vast data, and identify patterns. However, they thirst for ever-growing datasets, and this hunger presents challenges. Centralized AI models resemble expansive libraries that are constantly growing, but space and privacy constraints hinder this growth.

Enter the guardian of this digital realm: Confidential Computing. It’s not just about locking data away securely; it’s about ensuring that data, while being actively used, remains unseen by prying eyes. Picture reading a confidential document in a bustling library, but under an invisibility cloak that renders both you and the document unseen. This is achieved by isolating sensitive data in a protected CPU enclave during processing, ensuring that only authorized code can access it. Confidential Computing addresses the longstanding security dilemma in cloud computing: encryption at rest, in transit, and, most challengingly, in use.

We also have Blockchain, the unalterable ledger of truth. Visualize a massive book where every transaction, every event, is etched with indelible ink, ensuring trust and transparency. Lastly, merging Confidential Computing and Blockchain creates a secure and trusted environment for data sharing called the Confidence Fabric.

A Harmonious Confluence

Now, envision a world where these three titans collaborate. AI, with its insatiable curiosity, seeks knowledge from data. Confidential Computing pledges to keep this quest secure and Blockchain stands as the unwavering witness, ensuring every step is transparent and trustworthy.

In AI’s world, there is a decentralized approach called Federated Learning. Instead of hoarding data in one place, the learning is dispatched to where the data resides, ensuring its sanctity. But how can we trust this myriad of learning points? How do we guarantee that during AI’s learning journey, the data remains shielded? This is where Confidential Computing steps in, offering AI a secure enclave, a sanctuary, in every location it visits.

And the role of Blockchain? It’s the chronicler of AI’s odyssey. Every learning step, and every insight gained, is recorded, ensuring the journey’s transparency and authenticity.

A Dance in Reality

commercial ev

Let’s anchor this in a tangible scenario.  A commercial EV (electric vehicle) manufacturer wants to use AI to develop new and innovative EV batteries. The battery data is highly confidential and needs to be protected from unauthorized access. The manufacturer also needs to be able to share the data with select partners, such as battery suppliers and research institutions, for collaborative development.


The manufacturer uses a Confidential Computing platform to train an AI model on the battery data. This ensures that the data is never exposed to the people who are developing or training the model. Once the model is trained, it is deployed to a Confidence Fabric environment. This allows the manufacturer to share the model with select partners without revealing the underlying data.

The manufacturer uses Blockchain to create a tamper-proof record of all interactions with the AI model. This ensures that the model is being used in a fair and ethical manner.

The manufacturer also uses Blockchain to settle micropayments between itself and its partners for the use of the AI model. This eliminates the need for third-party payment processors and reduces transaction costs.


  • Security: Confidential Computing and Confidence Fabric protect the battery data from unauthorized access, even by the people who are developing or training the AI model or using the model to develop new batteries.
  • Privacy: The manufacturer can control who has access to the battery data and how it is used. This is important for protecting the manufacturer’s intellectual property and trade secrets.
  • Collaboration: Confidence Fabric enables the manufacturer to share the AI model with select partners for collaborative development. This can help the manufacturer to develop new batteries more quickly and efficiently.
  • Innovation: The AI model can be used to develop new and innovative battery chemistries, cell designs, and manufacturing processes. This can help the manufacturer to produce better and more affordable EVs.
  • Sustainability: a sustainable Blockchain that uses a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) architecture (like IOTA) achieves consensus without the need for mining. This makes this Blockchain energy-efficient and low-carbon emitting.
  • Efficiency: the IOTA Blockchain transactions are settled in seconds and have zero cost transaction fees. This eliminates the need for third-party payment processors and reduces transaction costs for the manufacturer and its partners.


  • Scalability: The Confidential Computing platform, Confidence Fabric environment, and Blockchain network need to be scalable to support the needs of the manufacturer and its partners.
  • Regulation: The manufacturer needs to ensure that it is complying with all applicable regulations, such as data privacy laws, export control regulations, and environmental regulations.
  • Adoption: The manufacturer and its partners need to be educated about the benefits of Confidential Computing, Confidence Fabric, AI, and Blockchain.

In this scenario, this solution has the potential to revolutionize the commercial EV industry and help to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future.

Towards a Converged Horizon

This union of AI, Confidential Computing, and Blockchain is akin to a symphony. Each element has its distinct note, but together, they craft a harmonious melody. This alliance promises a future where AI’s quest for knowledge respects privacy, where data remains shielded even during active exploration, and where every action is transparent and verifiable.

In conclusion, as we navigate the currents of technological evolution, the confluence of AI, Confidential Computing, and Blockchain lights the way, promising a future that’s not just advanced, but also secure and transparent.


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