The Social Network We Didn’t Know We Needed – Cisco Blogs

In the most recent Marketing Velocity Pulse survey, we heard a recurring theme. Partners told us that there needs to be a space for them to connect, collaborate, and have a little bit of fun. As a result, we are answering the call. We are proud to introduce- Marketing Velocity Voice.

Marketing Velocity Voice is reimagining the way partner marketers interact with each other and with us – every day. It is a digital partner marketing community where partners can network and connect, elevate their marketing practices, and accelerate demand generation.

​Our goal is to enable our partners to be their best selves through community.  How exactly does this happen?

We’ve created a platform with a variety of channels featuring challenges that inform and inspire. These challenges may be as lighthearted as a Friday Fun prompt to share laughs or you may find best practices for your team in our Sharpen your Skills channel. Real people are sharing real interactions in real time. And that’s not even the best part.

You get rewarded for it too! By interacting with the community and taking part in these challenges and discussions, you will earn points that will count towards your status level in the platform, plus towards some awesome prizes. Rewards range from having a tree planted in your honor, Cisco swag, signed books and opportunities to elevate your personal brand, marketing practice and demand generation.  

We look forward to hearing your Voice!

Learn more about Marketing Velocity


*Single sign on required



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