Top 5 Reasons I Love Working at Cisco – Cisco Blogs

Have you ever hit the character limit on an Instagram post? I have – and it was all because I was sharing my #LoveWhereYouWork story during the annual #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork contest!

From the moment I found out about the possibility of being contracted to work for Cisco as a SocialBridge Agent – and heard about their values and culture, it seriously sounded like a dream job. I thought to myself, “There’s no way a company can be this good to their employees.” Well, good companies still exist!

I started working for Cisco in October of 2020, but to be honest, it feels like I have always been here. Think about this! I started working during a time where we are all working remotely – and, yet, I have never felt more welcomed or part of the company as I have at Cisco.

I’ve had previous experience as a contractor as well, and this is the first time I haven’t felt ‘excluded’ from the company or like an ‘outcast’. My agency and Cisco work together to ensure there is open communication, that we are all kept in the loop and that contractors feel included and part of the team – because we are! Now, as a SocialBridge Agent, I provide support and engage with consumers who are reaching out to Cisco directly on our social media platforms.


So, what do I love MOST about where I work? Here’s my Top 5:

1. Flexibility – Cisco understands that work and life must not just be balanced, but integrated! Due to the flexibility, I have been able to step away from the computer to help my kids with homework or walk them to the bus stop. I’m also able to attend doctor’s appointments or focus on a college course I’m enrolled in, and then can make up that time later in the day to complete my tasks. This is an incredible benefit that enables me to make the most of my time.

2. Time Off – Cisco knows that their employees are humans first, and we all need time to rest and recover. Along with standard days (and our birthdays) off, Cisco recently added Veteran’s Day, Juneteenth, and Election Day so employees can take time to vote. We’ve also had multiple “A Day For You” this past year, where everyone in the company steps away from their computers for the day to focus on themselves.

Everyone at the company also takes off the week between Christmas and New Year’s. It’s not only a great way for Cisco to help the environment but is amazing for all employees to relax and enjoy the holidays ahead of a new year. The best part is that EVERYONE is encouraged and expected to be off and not sending emails – so you don’t come back to a mound of emails to respond to.

3. Leaders Who Never Micromanage – Everyone is aware of the company goals and each team and individual knows what must be done to help achieve them. We’re also trusted to be the ‘experts’ in our fields – which enables us to manage our time in a way that works best for us while getting the job done.

4. Caring – Career growth is absolutely a focus, but Cisco also cares about your well-being. One time, I sent out a calendar reminder for a requested day off to celebrate my birthday that I had titled “family event” – one of my leaders reached out to make sure everything was okay with me and my family. It’s the ‘little things’ like this that make me feel we’re more like great friends – or in some instances, like family – than coworkers.

5. Events – Since I started at Cisco, and even during a difficult time where everything is virtual, the marketing team has found ways to make holidays or company events engaging and fun. What makes everything even better is that contractors are included in these events, and some get to be involved with the event planning. Again, it’s all about that sense of inclusion at Cisco!Because of this (and so much more) I can confidently say, “I love where I work!”

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