UK Organizations Boosting Cybersecurity Budgets

UK organizations are prioritizing cybersecurity with a projected 31% budget increase in the next 12 months, according to Infosecurity Europe

Infosecurity Europe’s upcoming 2025 Cybersecurity Trends Report has highlighted that UK organizations have predicted an average budget growth of 31% over the next 12 months.

This is more than double the 15% forecast by Gartner.

Overall, three-quarters of organizations expect their budgets to grow and 20% anticipate increases of over 50%.

Additionally, just over seven in 10 (71%) believe they have the budgets required to ensure their organization is cyber-safe, another 18% said their budgets were nearly enough and 8% said they don’t have the funding they need to cover what they want. The remaining 2% hadn’t yet costed their needs.

Speaking to Infosecurity, Jon Davis, Director for Cyber at KPMG and Infosecurity Europe advisory board member, warned that budget increases do not always make organizations more cyber-resilient.

“Although more budget allows CISOs and security leaders more flexibility, it is the return on investment that counts; are you spending it on tools, people or processes and where is the money best spent? If that money is spent on the next best shiny tool but basics like cyber hygiene are not fixed, then the organization’s level of resilience will not improve. Prioritizing budget and having a holistic view of security programs will make any size of budget more impactful,” he commented.

Infosecurity Europe’s study of 231 cybersecurity leaders found that investment priorities included application security, network security, cloud security, and DevSecOps, as organizations strive to stay ahead of evolving threats.

“Application and network security might be seeing greater investment due to an increase in perceived risk, even if the risk itself may have always been there. The issue has been amplified due to increased software-as-a-service (SaaS) capability, add-ons, self-build apps and the lack of through-life management of these, with the focus being on fast sprints and fast deployment instead,” said Davis.

Despite many cybersecurity leaders citing increasing budgets and adequate resources, 47% struggle to engage at the board level, highlighting a gap between technical teams and strategic decision-making.

Infosecurity Europe Enters its 30th Year

This study has been conducted as Infosecurity Europe celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2025.

Budgets, collaboration with boards, corporate resilience and cybersecurity strategy are all set to be key themes for this year’s Infosecurity Europe.

“Our conference program has been vastly overhauled, including how we tag and describe sessions, to help visitors easily identify what they will learn and where to focus their time, and our Infosec Meets platform is expanding to empower visitors to easily arrange meetings and interactions. We’ll also be providing more guidance on how to find new technologies at the show, ensuring visitors have unparalleled access to the very latest cyber solutions. Infosecurity Europe is where the cybersecurity community meets, learns and works together on building a safer cyber world and we can’t wait to welcome you”, commented Brad Maule-ffinch, Event Director at Infosecurity Europe.

Infosecurity Europe will spotlight the theme: Building a Safer Cyber World, reflecting on three decades of evolution and setting the stage for the future of cybersecurity.

Disclaimer: Infosecurity Magazine is wholly owned by RELX, the same parent company of Infosecurity Europe.

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