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Vote Now for the 2023 Special Interest Group Project

From now through 17 February 2023, PCI SSC Participating Organizations are invited to vote on proposals for the PCI SSC 2023 Special Interest Group (SIG) project.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are community-driven initiatives that focus on payment security technologies or challenges about which the PCI community wants to provide guidance. SIGs bring together experts from across industries and around the world to address the topics that are most important to their payment security efforts, resulting in practical and relevant resources that help stakeholders apply PCI Standards to their organizations.
Voting is open to all Participating Organizations through the PCI SSC Portal. Participating Organization primary contacts are invited to vote on behalf of their organization and will be able to select and prioritize a minimum of two and a maximum of three SIG proposal topics.
The proposed topics for the 2023 SIG include:
- Scoping and segmentation considerations for zero-trust and cloud environments
- Protecting telephone-based payments
- Penetration testing and vulnerability scanning
- Guidance for PCI DSS Targeted Risk Analysis
- Third-Party Security Assurance
Details of each proposed SIG topic are available for Participation Organizations to review via the PCI SSC Portal.
Upon completion of the election process, the results will be announced, and PCI SSC will provide information about the launch of the new SIG. At that time, PCI SSC will work with the submitter(s) of the selected SIG to create a charter in preparation for the commencement of the new SIG.
PCI SSC appreciates the participation of our stakeholders in the SIG selection and approval process. This involvement by stakeholders is invaluable in our efforts to provide resources that help secure payment data.