Webinar Recap: Docker Business – Management & Security at Scale – Docker Blog

Recently, Docker Head of Developer Relations Peter McKee and Docker Head of Sales Scott Campbell led a webinar to spotlight the new Docker Business tier

During the webinar, Peter and Scott drill down into Docker Business, the pain points it addresses, the incredible value Docker Desktop packs under the hood, what makes Docker itself such an indispensable developer tool, and more. There’s also a demo of the Docker Image Access Management feature, and a Q&A session in which the presenters field live questions from attendees.

Docker Business: Management and Security at Scale

Docker Business is targeted at organizations that use Docker at scale for application development, and that require features like secure software supply chain management, single sign-on (SSO), container registry access controls, and more. The Docker Business tier starts at $21/month on the annual plan, with options for volume pricing.

Peter and Scott zero in on the challenges Docker Business addresses — security and scalability.

  • Security. Software supply chain attacks are accelerating. In order to ensure you’re building secure applications, you have to start with secure and trusted building blocks like Docker Official Images and Docker Verified Publisher Images available on  Docker Hub. Docker Business enables you to manage these building blocks by putting guardrails in place to ensure developers are only building from trusted base images.
  • Scalability. Managing tooling for hundreds or thousands of developers presents its own unique challenges. Many organizations lack visibility and control over access to content — especially for large companies with many work-from-home developers. There’s also a need for centralized user management and policy configuration. 

Enter Docker Business! Peter and Scott dive into how it addresses these and other issues through primary features such as centralized management for large developer teams, image restrictions and access controls.

Docker Image Access Management Demo

A key part of the webinar is Peter’s demo of Docker Image Access Management, which allows organizations to secure their software supply chain by managing which container images developers can use. Image Access Management also allows you to gain more control by configuring Docker Hub organizations to only allow limited subsets of images (groups or namespaces). Peter walks through how Image Access Management allows admins to restrict access to only Docker Official or Docker Verified Publisher images — our premier content on Docker Hub.

What’s Next for Docker Business?

There’s much more goodness to come. Image Access Management is just the first of many control-plane features to be added to Docker Business. In the not-too-distant future, look for SAML-based SSO, support for local registries, along with support for other public registries; visibility into what images are being used, versions and security vulnerabilities, and more developer productivity features. Check out our public roadmap to learn more about upcoming features. 

Watch the full Docker Business Webinar recording here: https://www.docker.com/events/webinars/management-security-at-scale-with-docker-business

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