What Not to Miss at DockerCon 2021 – Docker Blog

You’ll have no shortage of content to choose from at DockerCon 2021. The one-day virtual event on May 27 will offer a smorgasbord of demonstrations, product announcements, company updates and more — all of it focused on modern application delivery in a cloud-native world.

But if you need some help narrowing down what’s in the must-see category, allow us to recommend the following key sessions. They include hands-on coding using Docker’s new HTTP APIs, a dive into Docker Dev Environments, tips for navigating a multi-architecture world, and what to do if your container image has more vulnerabilities than you have Twitter followers.

Check them out. They’re all free! And if you can’t participate live, you can watch recordings at your own pace.

DockerCon LIVE 2021
Join us for DockerCon LIVE 2021 on Thursday, May 27. DockerCon LIVE is a free, one day virtual event that is a unique experience for developers and development teams who are building the next generation of modern applications. If you want to learn about how to go from code to cloud fast and how to solve your development challenges, DockerCon LIVE 2021 offers engaging live content to help you build, share and run your applications. Register today at https://dockr.ly/2PSJ7vn

Beyond the UI: Hands-on coding with Docker’s new HTTP APIs
Speaker: Mark Higson (Docker)
Websites, desktop apps and CLIs can’t cover every use case. When developers need to do something specialised, they turn to APIs. Learn how Docker’s new API First strategy is driving internal development, and follow along on a practical, realistic coding exercise that puts them to use.

How much Kubernetes do I need to learn?
Speaker: Elton Stoneman (Consultant)
Kubernetes sets your containers free – you can run them in any cloud using the same Docker images you use on your laptop. It’s a difficult technology to learn, but this session guides you through the key concepts and shows you Kubernetes in practice using a local cluster in Docker Desktop.

Docker Dev Environments: a New Way to Collaborate Without Git Conflicts
Speakers: Benjamin De St Paer-Gotch, Djordje Lukic and Guillaume Lours (Docker)
We will start with an introduction to Docker Dev Environments: What they are, what problems they solve and how they work. We’ll then dive into where we’ll be taking them over the next few months and talk about features like: portable volumes, consistent sidecar containers and tooling, connecting from Desktop to the cloud, Docker Workspaces and more!

From fig to the Docker CLI: What’s new with Compose?
Speaker: Nicolas de Loof (Docker)
Do you love Docker Compose or are you just getting started in the Docker ecosystem? This talk is for you either way! You’ll learn more about where Compose came from, what it can do and what’s new with Compose.

My container image has 500 vulnerabilities, now what?
Speaker: Matt Jarvis (Snyk)
I scanned my container, and now I have a huge list of vulnerabilities – what do I do now? Developers now need to understand how we can assess security risk, prioritization and how we go about starting to remediate. Don’t panic, I’ll talk you through what we need to consider and how to get started!

Lessons learned deploying application on AWS using the new Docker Compose CLI integration
Speakers: Massimo Re Ferrè (AWS) and Dexter Legaspi (SiriusXM-Pandora)
Cloud deployments is a hot topic and this talk is all about how to help Docker practitioners make that jump leveraging their existing Docker knowledge and the assets they have already created. Docker compose up … in the cloud!

Optimizing Docker builds: successes, failures, and instrumented observability
Speaker: Nicole Rifkin (SimplyBusiness)
Our Dockerfile was a hot mess. We needed it to build faster. The result was a messier Dockerfile. It was impossible to know if adding ‘more grease’ was making it faster or slower. Learn how we made sense of our spaghetti code with instrumented observability!

I have an M1 Mac, now what? Docker in a multi-arch world
Speaker: Tonis Tiigi (Docker)
In this session, you’ll learn how to work with containers in teams that use a mix of different architectures. We’ll cover how to make sure you are using the correct base images and what you should know when writing Dockerfiles so they work across architectures. We’ll look at how “docker buildx” command can be used to create multi-platform images and set up multi-platform builder clusters, as well as when to use the emulation layer built into Docker desktop or cross-compilation.

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