What top tech analysts have to say about our latest Purpose Report – Cisco Blogs
Cisco is a tech giant, but social good is at the heart of everything they do. Cisco’s 2021 Purpose Report highlighted several accomplishments in 2021, including: providing job training to roughly three million students worldwide, contributing $477 million to community programs globally and deriving 85 percent of its energy from renewable sources.
Amy Poon, an Analyst Relations Manager at Cisco specializing in People, Policy, and Purpose said, “Industry analysts are primarily technology focused but to see a company holistically, one must understand its people and its purpose to get a full 360-degree view. That’s why more and more analysts are interested in learning about Cisco through the Purpose Report.”
Let’s see what the top tech industry analysts said about Cisco making its mark with the 2021 Purpose Report.
1) Patrick Moorhead, one of the most cited technology analysts in the world from Moor Insights & Strategy, said Cisco’s environmental-social-governance (ESG) work “is essentially the gold standard in the tech industry” for CSR.
“Less committed companies might have been content to simply reduce the emissions from their operations and call it a day. Leave it to Cisco to go the extra mile upstream and downstream.” Moorhead said about the company’s commitment to reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040. Read more: Cisco Illuminates 2021’S ‘Purpose Work’ With Annual Societal Impact Report.
2) CCS Insight Analyst and Research Director, Bola Rotibi has 25+ years of expertise spanning engineering, software development, and IT analysis. She says Cisco differentiates from the competition with purpose.
She states, “Cisco’s long-standing report exposes a solid bedrock for taking quantifiable action in support of its corporate social responsibilities… with its Purpose Report, Cisco has in place a yearly framework for assessing impact and achievements from many of the different ESG investments it’s made over the years.” Read more from CCS Insight: Cisco Differentiates with Purpose
3) Founder and principal analyst of Creative Strategies, Carolina Milanesi, has been a tech analyst and quoted industry expert for 15+ years.
She tweeted her praise for the Purpose Report, saying “I love that @Cisco renamed its #CSR report the ‘Purpose report’ environmental, social, and governance efforts should all have a long-term purpose to make the world a better place through technology… As we start talking about the #Metaverse I appreciate @Cisco’s new areas of purpose like addressing the Insecurity of Being, which happens when one is a target of hate & violence, only because they are part of a marginalized group, be it in the physical or virtual world.” Read Carolina Milanesi’s Twitter thread.
4) Rob Enderle, one of the most influential tech pundits in the world, and President / Principal Analyst of the Enderle Group raves that Cisco is steering away from traditional company goals and purpose by “defining its purpose as making a material positive difference in the world.”
Simply put, his article title says it all: “Cisco’s Purpose Is to Improve the World. Imagine if Others Followed.”
Cisco is a known leader in the tech industry and enterprise networking, but, per analysts, Cisco is also becoming a top leader in IT corporate social responsibility through its efforts and goals in the 2021 Purpose Report.
To read highlights from our 2021 Cisco Purpose Report and
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