Installing VNC-Server

yum check-update yum update yum groupinstall “GNOME Desktop” unlink /etc/systemd/system/ ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/ Reboot I assume you have either kvm, or any other way to access console. You need to see Gnome GUI on the console  after the reboot yum install tigervnc-server xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 –y  useradd pirat9 passwd pirat9  cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service Edit /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service and replace string <USER> with pirat9 systemctl daemon-reload  su – pirat9 As user pirat9 run “vncpasswd” and set vNC server password for user pirat9.  systemctl start vncserver@:1.service systemctl enable…

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CUBE to Exchange 2013 Unified Messaging Interoperability

CUBE to Exchange 2013 Unified Messaging Interoperability  Original Post # As most of you know when Microsoft moved to Exchange 2013 their architecture changed quite a bit. They introduced the Client Access Server as a new role for Unified Messaging and disbanded the UM role altogether putting the processes that ran on the UM server to the Mailbox Server role. This isn’t a big deal but what happens during an initial call setup is…

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IP SLA with Object Tracking and Automatic Preempting in MPLS TE

Original post # IP SLA was described in this post. Some of the examples were provided here. This post showed an option, where IP SLA was used to monitor static routes and preempting them. Today’s post will be similar to that one. Today I am monitoring MPLS TE tunnels and dynamically preempting to backup path, when certain threshold in IP SLA probe is met. Good example on how to monitor network and dynamically and…

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IP-SLA DNS Tracking

Original Post #  Configuration to be performed on a server Configuration to be performed on the router in site A Configuration to be performed on the router in site B   The next step is to configure the routers to route packets destined for the anycast address via the primary network interface on the servers, run test queries against named on the primary network interface of that server, and remove the route to the anycast…

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CUIC Templates Giving Blank Results

URL # CUIC Cisco Reference User Guide for the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Reporting Application, Release 9.1(1) Data Sources Page This page opens when you click the Data Sources drawer. After a new installation, this page shows the following Data Sources:  Unified Intelligence Center data source  A Data Source for the Unified Intelligence Center database is added by the installer. This database holds tables for objects such as reports, dashboards, value lists, and users that…

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Getting your router to Tweet

Getting your router to Tweet Original post-link # so an earlier post sharing a really neat geek trick is awesome, but how the hell does one go about configuring a router to tweet something? (if you not a programmer) To do it, you would need the following: IOS image that supports EEM. A twitter account. A base64 encoded representation of you twitter account’s Bruno’s twitter script. Download tweet-policy.tcl here. The IP address of your nearest twitter…

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Excel Tip : How to Make an Excel Cell secured for Password

Original Post # Step 1: Set your Cell or Cell Range as Hidden but NOT Locked First of all you need to decide which range or cells you want to allow users to edit. Why is this required here at first step?? — because this masking is going to be achieved by Protecting the sheet hence you should know those cells which are needs to be made a editable even after protecting the sheet. Refer…

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Cisco UCS and Vmware Interfaces (Vnics) HA Design Considerations

Hi Guys , I was going through the Cisco UCS B-Series and  Vmware Designing ,Here are the few points which need to be considered when Building Cisco UCS and Vmware HA. As the UCS is supporting HA/Failover  in Vnics with Fail-over feature in Vnic or Vnic tempalte which enables fail-over between FI-A and FI-B via IOMs. In this case the fail-over will be managed by the UCS Vnics. Form the Vmware Keep it simple NO…

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Troubleshooting network and TCP/UDP port connectivity issues on ESX/ESXi(2020669)

Troubleshooting network and TCP/UDP port connectivity issues on ESX/ESXi(2020669) Purpose This article provides information on troubleshooting network and TCP/UDP port connectivity issues using these troubleshooting tools: ping/vmkping to troubleshoot network connectivity between two servers. telnet to troubleshoot TCP port connectivity. netcat (nc) to troubleshoot TCP port connectivity. openssl to troubleshoot SSL port connectivity and verify SSL certificate information. tcpdump and tcpdump-uw to collect packet traces to troubleshoot network issues. netstat and esxcli network to view active TCP/UDP connections to the host. Note: The telnet and nc tools help you to…

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Check Device Coverage

About the Cisco Device Coverage Checker The Cisco Device Coverage Checker tool allows you to determine the current contract status of your Cisco devices. After entering valid serial numbers, the coverage status of each item is checked. Devices found to be covered by an active service contract are indicated by a checkmark icon () in the Covered column. You must have a valid account to use Cisco Device Coverage Checker. If you do not have…

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