Salt Typhoon Exploited Cisco Devices With Custom Tool

Salt Typhoon Exploited Cisco Devices With Custom Tool

Chinese state-sponsored hackers, Salt Typhoon, used the JumbledPath utility in their attacks against US telecommunication providers to stealthily monitor network traffic and potentially steal sensitive data, a new Cisco report revealed. In the report published by Cisco Talos on February 20, the researchers confirmed Salt Typhoon gained access to core networking infrastructure through Cisco devices and then used that infrastructure to collect a variety of information. The typical approach of Salt Typhoon to gain initial…

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DoD Contractor Pays $11.2M over False Cyber Certifications Claims

DoD Contractor Pays .2M over False Cyber Certifications Claims

California-based Health Net Federal Services (HNFS), a subsidiary of St Louis-based Centene Corporation, has reached an agreement to pay $11,253,400 to resolve allegations of false cybersecurity compliance certifications. According to the US Department of Justice (DoJ), the false cybersecurity certifications were used to comply with requirements in a US Department of Defense (DoD) contract to administer the Defense Health Agency’s (DHA) TRICARE health benefits program for servicemembers and their families. HNFS failed to meet certain…

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How Birmingham’s $48M Oracle ERP project turned into an epic failure

How Birmingham’s M Oracle ERP project turned into an epic failure

“This was an abdication of responsibility on a grand scale, with costs once again falling on Birmingham residents,” BBC reported quoting Robert Alden, leader of the Birmingham Local Conservatives. Taxes are set to increase by 7.49% from April 2024, adding to the public backlash, the report added. The re-implementation challenge Birmingham’s current re-implementation effort presents an interesting test case for these principles. The success or failure of this second attempt will likely depend on whether…

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BlackBasta Ransomware Chatlogs Leaked Online

BlackBasta Ransomware Chatlogs Leaked Online

Netherlands-based threat intelligence firm Prodaft revealed on February 20 that internal chatlogs from the BlackBasta ransomware gang have been leaked online. BlackBasta is a ransomware strain that was first detected in April 2022. Early on, cyber threat intelligence experts assessed that the members of the group behind the ransomware were associated with other top-tier ransomware groups, especially Conti and REvil. Yelisey Bohuslavskiy, Partner and Chief Research Officer at Red Sense, believes BlackBasta is a merger…

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AI humanoid robots inch their way toward the workforce

AI humanoid robots inch their way toward the workforce

Anders Brown, CEO of Tompkins Solutions, a systems integrator that has a partnership with Agility, says Agility, which has the manufacturing capacity to produce up to 10,000 robots a year, has deployed multiple Digit robots at various customer locations for production use as part of proof of concept or robot-as-a-service (RaaS) arrangements. “The key to truly scaling beyond initial deployments is having a collaboratively safe robot, which Agility has made a pledge to release in…

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Better student housing with a unified data platform

Better student housing with a unified data platform

At the end of 2023, Chicago-based Article Student Living was acquired by a global real estate investment company, which allowed the business to expand, and enabled it to make key investments in the high-demand student housing market. But because Article was growing so quickly, managing one of the largest student housing portfolios in the US, it needed to be more intentional about operational efficiency. “There are a lot of moving parts across our properties,” says Erica…

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Microsoft’s Quantum Chip Breakthrough Accelerates Threat to Encryption

Microsoft’s Quantum Chip Breakthrough Accelerates Threat to Encryption

Quantum computers capable of breaking current encryption protocols will be available in “years, not decades,” following the development of the world’s first quantum chip. Microsoft made the assessment as it unveiled the hardware chip, named Majorana 1, on February 19. This breakthrough offers a path to developing quantum computers that can scale to a million qubits. Such systems will be “capable of tackling of tackling the most complex industrial and societal problems,” Microsoft said. However,…

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AMA acelera su plan de transformación digital con especial impulso a la sostenibilidad

AMA acelera su plan de transformación digital con especial impulso a la sostenibilidad

La Mutua de seguros de los profesionales sanitarios, AMA, comienza el 2025 desplegando un ambicioso plan estratégico. Una hoja de ruta que refuerza su apuesta por la digitalización, la sostenibilidad y la excelencia en el servicio como ejes principales. Así, la organización continuará evolucionando con mejoras incrementales en sus procesos, el desarrollo de nuevos productos y una gestión alineada con las normativas internacionales. En el marco de la estrategia anunciada formalmente, un hito destacable en…

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Eurofirms acelera los procesos de selección mediante IA generativa

Eurofirms acelera los procesos de selección mediante IA generativa

Eurofirms People First y Telefónica Tech han suscrito un acuerdo para aplicar inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa a los procesos de selección de la plantilla y evolucionar la gestión de los recursos humanos. El objetivo, según se ha dado a conocer, radica en potenciar la eficiencia, la productividad y mejorar la agilidad operativa. En virtud de la colaboración se implantará un sistema de recomendación basado en IA generativa que mejora la eficiencia y la precisión de…

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칼럼 | 빅데이터에 어려움 겪는 HR 전문가가 던져야 할 질문 3가지

칼럼 | 빅데이터에 어려움 겪는 HR 전문가가 던져야 할 질문 3가지

향후 15년 내에 1,200만 명 이상이 은퇴할 예정이며, 기술 발전으로 인해 직종도 크게 변화할 가능성이 높다. 세계경제포럼(World Economic Forum)은 현재 직원에게 요구되는 역량의 절반이 가까운 미래에 변화할 것이라고 언급했다. 새로운 요구사항에는 창의적이고 분석적인 사고, 기술적 능력, 평생 학습에 대한 의지, 자기 효능감이 포함될 것이다. 인사 관리자는 회사가 미래에 어떤 인재를 필요로 할지 전략적으로 예측하고, 이를 바탕으로 인재 계획에 필요한 자격 요건을 수립해야 한다. 그래야만 필요한 인재를 효과적으로 채용하고 육성할 수 있다. 단순히 적절한 인재를 적당한…

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