Automation and a “back to basics” approach will shape cybersecurity

Automation and a “back to basics” approach will shape cybersecurity

Security teams are overwhelmed. That’s not an exaggeration — it’s just a statement of fact. Talk to security professionals at any organization, from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, and you’ll hear the same story. SecOps and security engineering teams are stretched thin, with their attention divided across cloud, automation, AI, containers, scalable environments, and dozens of other “urgent” priorities. What’s more, the number of security controls in place has increased dramatically over the past…

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Multi-Site Mastery: Strategies for Effective Risk Assessments

Multi-Site Mastery: Strategies for Effective Risk Assessments

In this episode of The Security Podcasts we sit down with Mark Landry, National Accounts Director at AMAROK, to discuss navigating multi-site risk assessment effectively. “In order to approach your risk assessment, especially when you’ve got vast or disparate geographies – meaning you’ve got a location in Portland, Maine and location in Portland, Oregon – you have to be able to accurately convey the risk across both of those locations that have very different risk…

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It's time to embrace OSCAL automation for effective risk management

It's time to embrace OSCAL automation for effective risk management

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) put forward the Open Security Controls Assessment Language (OSCAL) standard in 2021, creating a standardized machine readable language. The goal of the standard is to enable automation and facilitate interoperability between different security assessment tools. It also aims to enable real-time machine to machine data exchange, improving automation and interoperability across various compliance frameworks. There are a multitude of regulatory standards and frameworks that organizations must adhere…

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Proving physical security value across an organization

Proving physical security value across an organization

In this episode of The Security Podcasts we sit down with Thomasina Martin, a Key Account Manager specializing in Energy and Utilities at Genetec, Inc., to talk about proving the value of physical security across an organization. “One of the primary challenges I think a lot of us see, I think it’s universal in the security industry when trying to secure a budget, is that physical security often competes with other critical business units or…

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Balancing Risk and Innovation – A CISO Perspective

Balancing Risk and Innovation – A CISO Perspective

In this episode of The Security Podcasts featuring Jill Knesek, CISO of Blackline, and former FBI Special Agent in the Cyber Crime Squad, we talk about balancing risk & innovation from a CISO’s perspective. “The message I like to give is we can be both innovative and secure.,” Knesek says. “They’re not mutually exclusive, and they shouldn’t be. By shifting left and embedding strong security practices and controls earlier into our development lifecycle, we can…

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Protecting financial institutions in the era of AI-driven threats

Protecting financial institutions in the era of AI-driven threats

As open-source AI tools become more accessible, ransomware attacks are growing increasingly sophisticated. Scammers are now using AI in targeted spear phishing attacks, where highly personalized information is used to gain access to medical or financial information.  Financial service organizations are particularly at risk when it comes to these kinds of attacks — not only do they hold and exchange large sums of money, they also store and process highly sensitive information of their customers. …

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How to tackle burnout at the source in the security operations center

How to tackle burnout at the source in the security operations center

Frontline security teams play an invaluable role in their organization’s health and success. But as cyberattacks increase and organizations face a mountain of internal and external pressures, burnout among security professionals has hit worrying levels — leaving many heading for the door. Tines’s 2023 Voice of the SOC report recently shone a spotlight on the scale of this issue. This survey of 900 security professionals across the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe found…

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Navigating political polarization in the workplace

Navigating political polarization in the workplace

In this episode of The Security Podcasts featuring Scott McHugh, retired CSO at LyondellBasell Chemical Company and Faculty at Rice University, we discuss the challenges security leaders face when navigating political polarization in the workplace. “This is actually not a new phenomenon,” Scott McHugh says. “It really started in the late ’90s, in the Clinton administration, and it’s just been manifesting itself through the years ever since then. And it’s become much more of a…

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Automating a more resilient supply chain

Automating a more resilient supply chain

As technology evolves, manufactures can leverage new tools to reduce costs while improving accuracy, visibility and customer satisfaction. Emerging technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) can increase efficiencies for manufactures. At the same time, this increase in technology may create openings for cyberattacks on the supply chain as well as critical infrastructure.  Here, we talk with Scott Reynolds, the President-Elect at International Society of Automation.  Security magazine: Tell us about your title…

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Navigating the identity security landscape

Navigating the identity security landscape

In this episode of The Security Podcasts featuring Jeff Reich, Executive Director of the Identity Defined Security Alliance, we discuss the challenges security professionals are facing in the evolving landscape of identity security threats. “Something we see often is when we were asking the question, ‘how long do account stay active or in your system after someone leaves your organization?’ And certainly there are a number of organizations that say within two days it’s been…

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