Cisco Enterprise Agreement 3.0: A Year of Transformative Impact and Growth

Cisco Enterprise Agreement 3.0: A Year of Transformative Impact and Growth

It’s been a year since the Cisco Enterprise Agreement 3.0 became generally available, and we’ve seen incredible results for customers and partners. The story gets even better when Partners use Cisco Enterprise Agreement with a lifecycle approach; they see software growth 2.5x greater, renewal rates of 3x and 2x faster bookings growth. These numbers are no mystery. Think about what has happened over the last four years – since the pandemic accelerated digital transformation that…

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Greater Together! Creating more value at Partner Summit 2023

Greater Together! Creating more value at Partner Summit 2023

We hear you loud and clear! You asked us to simplify our tools even more, give you more flexibility, enhance access to APIs and our Technical Assistance Center (TAC), and create opportunities for you to add specialized value – especially as we transition to a software and as-a-service paradigm. You ask, and we work hard to deliver! At Partner Summit today I announced that we are integrating Cisco Lifecycle Advantage into Cisco PX Cloud and…

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