Secure Firewall & Multicloud Defense: Secure Connectivity With Simplified Policy Across Clouds

Secure Firewall & Multicloud Defense: Secure Connectivity With Simplified Policy Across Clouds

Most of our large customers today have datacenters and leverage multiple clouds to maximize flexibility and agility for meeting their business needs. Traditionally, the security for these environments has rested with different teams, each having their own tools and processes. But as our application and IT environments become more interwoven, the complexity of the environments and the challenge of securing them has massively increased. Siloed tools and teams are now part of the problem, generating…

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Keeping the lights on: Brazilian power utility wins cybersecurity award for securing grid network with Cisco

Keeping the lights on: Brazilian power utility wins cybersecurity award for securing grid network with Cisco

Cyberattacks on electric power utilities are on the rise. From 2020 to 2022, weekly attacks more than doubled. An attack that exploits a vulnerability in intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) like power distribution units, relay, and circuit breakers can turn off the lights in a neighborhood or entire city. On the surface, it seems simple enough to remediate vulnerabilities as soon as they’re reported—for example, by upgrading firmware. Fact is, detecting and remediating vulnerabilities in operational…

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Determining the 10 most critical vulnerabilities on your network

Determining the 10 most critical vulnerabilities on your network

When it comes to staying on top of security events, a good application that alerts on security events is better than none. It stands to reason then that two would be better than one, and so on. More data can be a double-edged sword. You want to know when events happen across different systems and through disparate vectors. However alert fatigue is a real thing, so quality over quantity matters. The real power of having…

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The myth of the long-tail vulnerability

The myth of the long-tail vulnerability

Modern-day vulnerability management tends to follow a straightforward procedure. From a high level, this can be summed up in the following steps: Identify the vulnerabilities in your environment Prioritize which vulnerabilities to address Remediate the vulnerabilities When high-profile vulnerabilities are disclosed, they tend to be prioritized due to concerns that your organization will be hammered with exploit attempts. The general impression is that this malicious activity is highest shortly after disclosure, then decreases as workarounds…

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