The Rise of Digital Customer Experience

The Rise of Digital Customer Experience

Digital customer experience (DCX) is a hot topic these days. As a digital team leader at Cisco, I was recently asked to speak about it at an industry conference. You should know that when I’m put in front of an audience, I often lean on hyperbole as a verbal crutch to help sell a point. I opened that speech with a bold overstatement, hoping to elicit a few laughs: “Digital customer experience is the most…

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The Rise of Digital Customer Experience

The Rise of Digital Customer Experience

Digital customer experience (DCX) is a hot topic these days. As a digital team leader at Cisco, I was recently asked to speak about it at an industry conference. You should know that when I’m put in front of an audience, I often lean on hyperbole as a verbal crutch to help sell a point. I opened that speech with a bold overstatement, hoping to elicit a few laughs: “Digital customer experience is the most…

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