Answering the Executive “Why” and “What” for Full-Stack Observability

Answering the Executive “Why” and “What” for Full-Stack Observability

IDC is often asked why observability matters and how it benefits an organization.  A recent worldwide IDC survey (sponsored by Cisco) on full-stack observability (FSO) offers some answers.  Around 75% of the 2,062 global technology executives surveyed agree that their CEO and business leadership understand that complete visibility and control over infrastructure, network, applications, security, and digital experience is critical to digital business success. And with so much riding on the digital infrastructure, 47% of…

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Achieving Successful Business Outcomes Through Digital Infrastructure

Achieving Successful Business Outcomes Through Digital Infrastructure

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, the role of digital infrastructure has never been more critical. Recent surveys by IDC highlight that most enterprises recognize the pivotal importance of digital infrastructure in achieving their business goals. In a world where change is constant, organizations are embracing digital transformation to stay competitive and relevant. However, this transformative journey is not without its challenges, particularly as macroeconomic factors introduce uncertainty and risks. In this blog…

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Want to Justify Your IT Investments Faster? Measure Business Outcomes.

Want to Justify Your IT Investments Faster? Measure Business Outcomes.

Achieving strategic business outcomes in today’s fast-paced digital climate is a key imperative. Digital transformation, better customer experiences, increased productivity, and cost savings are rated as the most important business outcomes, according to a recent IDC survey (Future of Digital Infrastructure Sentiment Study, June 2023). Unfortunately, achieving these outcomes is not an easy undertaking. Organizations embarking on the journey to define their own measurable outcomes need to ask important questions: How do we define relevant…

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