How to tackle burnout at the source in the security operations center

How to tackle burnout at the source in the security operations center

Frontline security teams play an invaluable role in their organization’s health and success. But as cyberattacks increase and organizations face a mountain of internal and external pressures, burnout among security professionals has hit worrying levels — leaving many heading for the door. Tines’s 2023 Voice of the SOC report recently shone a spotlight on the scale of this issue. This survey of 900 security professionals across the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe found…

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The CISO role will either flourish or vanish

The CISO role will either flourish or vanish

Without a doubt, any C-level executive title comes at a personal cost — sleepless nights, countless questions and loads of responsibilities. That said, I believe today’s role of the CISO is accompanied by enormous pressures. Consequently, the way the role is currently structured does not set the CISO, nor the organization, up for success.  In speaking with my peers across the industry, I realize that we’re at a pivotal time for CISOs. Since its creation…

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Women face nearly twice as much exclusion in cybersecurity than men

Women face nearly twice as much exclusion in cybersecurity than men

A report by Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS) reveals key findings on the current state of inclusion in cybersecurity. By conducting a survey of 1,000 employees (65% women and 35% men) the report found notable gender disparities in the cybersecurity industry.  In the report, surveyed women noted the top four categories in which they experience exclusion: respect, career and growth, access and participation and recognition. When compared to their male counterparts, women reported 350% more exclusion…

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The state of the chief information security officer role

The state of the chief information security officer role

The growing importance of cybersecurity has led to an expansion in security leadership roles. According to an IANS report, most fortune firm chief information security officers (CISOs) are VP-level or higher. The report found that 74% of CISOs and global CISOs report to a CIO or CTO. The other 26% report to a business function such as a COO, CFO, chief risk officer or legal counsel. According to the report, four in 10 CISOs spend…

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