A Foundation for AI and ML: Cisco Intelligent Industrial IoT Network Drives Uptime, Yield, Security, and Revenue

A Foundation for AI and ML: Cisco Intelligent Industrial IoT Network Drives Uptime, Yield, Security, and Revenue

Cisco Live US 2024 brought together over 21,000 professionals, business leaders, and partners from around the world to discuss the latest trends, technologies, and solutions in the networking and communications industry. As AI took center stage throughout the week, I was able to share the implications its advancement is having on the manufacturing industry, specifically how intelligent Industrial IoT networks are enabling manufacturers to reduce their downtime, increase their production throughput and equipment effectiveness, while…

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Simplify 5G Fixed Wireless Access and Scale Secure Connectivity to More Places

Simplify 5G Fixed Wireless Access and Scale Secure Connectivity to More Places

5G fixed wireless access (FWA) is transforming the way businesses connect to the global network, especially in areas where fiber is not available. Market analysis from Wells Fargo recently indicated that nearly all net-new broadband accounts in the United States are FWA. Despite this demand, FWA point solutions inhibit the scale potential of FWA when expanding to multiple locations. Businesses need a better way to implement 5G FWA across their growing branch footprints. Accelerating time-to-market…

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Setting the Standard: Cisco Catalyst switches among the first to achieve ENERGY STAR certification

Setting the Standard: Cisco Catalyst switches among the first to achieve ENERGY STAR certification

Today, three of Cisco’s Catalyst line of switches — C9200-L, C9300-48P, and C9300-48UXM — are officially ENERGY STAR® certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. We are among the first to achieve this in the Large Network Equipment category. This certification is yet another step in our sustainability journey, which we’ve been making progress on for over two decades. These commitments are essential because sustainability is top of mind for everyone I speak to, from investors to colleagues…

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SD-Routing: Unlock Agility and Efficiency for the Secure WAN Edge

SD-Routing: Unlock Agility and Efficiency for the Secure WAN Edge

Many Cisco enterprise customers have decades of Cisco Catalyst routing and security capabilities functioning at branch locations. However, many of their traditional network management solutions can’t keep up with the demands of cloud adoption, remote work, and ever-growing user expectations. This translates to poor user experience, sluggish applications, and possible security vulnerabilities. These factors are driving the need for a transformation across applications, networks, and security. This operational paradigm shift aims to seamlessly connect users…

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Redefining Network Management: The Advantages of Cisco Managed Campus for MSPs

Redefining Network Management: The Advantages of Cisco Managed Campus for MSPs

In an era where the digital landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are facing the challenge of keeping up with complex networking demands while ensuring top-notch service delivery. Enter the Cisco Managed Campus—a revolutionary Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) solution provided through the powerful Cisco Catalyst platform. This offering is not just a response to the growing needs of modern businesses and their increasingly remote workforces; it’s a leap forward, redefining the very…

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