- AMA acelera su plan de transformación digital con especial impulso a la sostenibilidad
- Eurofirms acelera los procesos de selección mediante IA generativa
- 나만의 보급형 스마트폰 길 간다··· 아이폰 16‘e’ 알파벳 하나에 숨은 애플의 전략
- AI 여정의 걸림돌··· ‘레거시 앱’과 씨름하는 기업들
- INE Security's Cybersecurity and IT Training Enhances Career Stability in Tech
Emerging security career challenges
We often talk to security professionals who are seeking to improve their value and overcome challenges within their organizations at the same time as they are working to advance their careers. It is not unusual during these conversations to spend considerable time on security issues companies will face in the future. Security leaders have the desire to plan for issues and obtain leadership support for their initiatives. This often means putting revised or innovative programs…
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